It consists of a pair of testes and reproductive ducts. Testes lie on the ventral surface of the kidney of their side and are attached to them by a membrane. Fat bodies are present at their anterior ends. Each testis is composed of semniferous tubules in which sperms are produced. Sperms pass into kidney through fine tubes called vasa efferentia (singular vasa efferens). Sperms pass into cloaca through ureter and are discharged out in water. In males, ureters perform double functions, the excretion of urine and sexual material so it is called urinogenital duct and the urinary system and the genital system are associated into urinogenital system.
Female Reproductive System:
This system consists of two ovaries and reproductive ducts. Ovaries are located near the kidneys. At their ends, fat bodies are present. Each ovary has numerous follicles where eggs are formed: In the breeding season, ovaries increase in size. The ova are released from the ovary into the body cavity from where they enter the oviduct. The anterior end of oviduct is funnel like while the posterior end is broad and is called uterus, which opens into cloaca. Eggs are released into water through the cloaca. In water, a sperm fertilizes an egg and a zygote is formed. From zygote an offspring is formed.
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